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About our data collection
The Urban Canid Project is dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. Read on for the methods we use in our live-trapping.
Animal Capture
Foxes and coyotes are captured using cable restraints, a humane live-trap designed to hold an animal in place without harm. Traps are placed along regularly-used travel corridors and checked at least once everyday.
Once captured, animals are chemically immobilized and removed from the restraint. Vitals signs are monitored intensively throughout the entire process.
A radio collar with a unique frequency is fitted around the neck of the animal. This collar allows researchers to locate the animal remotely, without ever seeing or disturbing it. The animal is also ear-tagged for identification purposes.
Animals are weighed and measured. Blood samples are drawn to study diseases. All while constantly being monitored to ensure the safety of the animal. After all necessary samples are taken, the animal is administered a reversal agent and is up and away shortly after.

Radio telemetry
Location data are collected by triangulating the animals using the transmitters in their collar. This tried-and-true technique allows researchers to collect valuable information about where the animal is spending its time.

Contact the researchers at ddrake2@wisc.edu.
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