As the new director of the Wisconsin Forestry Center (WFC), Steve Hubbard’s number one goal is to position the Center as a national leader in programming for core areas of forestry.
“I am dedicated to serving the needs of Wisconsin’s forestry community by focusing on partner-driven professional development, workforce recruitment and development, applied research, and community outreach initiatives,” Hubbard said.
The WFC is a part of the College of Natural Resources at UW–Stevens Point, and according to Hubbard, it’s his job as director to facilitate, plan, and implement the outreach center’s programming that is specialized and tailored to the different segments of Wisconsin’s forestry economy.
“Forestry and forest products in Wisconsin are major contributors to the state’s economy,” Hubbard remarked. “Further, these industries provide significant jobs across our entire state. The work we do at the Wisconsin Forestry Center supports sustainable forest management and wood product manufacturing throughout Wisconsin and beyond.”
According to Hubbard he’s gotten to this point with “hard work and support from friends, colleagues, and family. I also had an outstanding major advisor and mentor in Dr. Scott Bowe at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.”

Collaboration with others is also what Hubbard is most looking forward to in his new role. “I’m most excited about working with people across the spectrum of Wisconsin’s forest supply chains. From foresters to industry experts to our students (known and yet to be known!), the diversity and scope is phenomenal,” Hubbard shared. “In the face of so many collaborators and customers it can become an interesting exercise in organization.”
“Forests are vital to our wellbeing,” Hubbard noted. In taking this position, he hopes to encourage greater professional and community involvement in Wisconsin forestry.
“Sustainably managed forests are integral to human health and happiness,” Hubbard said. “Our forests provide opportunities for recreation, wildlife, timber, and a host of ecosystem services including clean water. Products derived from our managed forests are now operating in global markets. Our forests continue to inspire us and our ability to interact favorably with this vital natural resource is imperative.”