Home » Staff
Program Leadership
Name | Title | Phone | |
Tricia Gorby | Assistant Dean and Director, Natural Resources Institute | tricia.gorby@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1371 |
Chad Cook | Natural Resources Institute Associate Director of Outreach | chad.cook@wisc.edu | (920) 232-1990 |
Katy Bradford | Community Engaged Science & Education Program Manager | katy.bradford@wisc.edu | (608) 331-0173 |
Meg Domroese | Water Program Manager | meg.domroese@wisc.edu | See email address |
Deanna Erickson | LSNERR Director | deanna.erickson@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4086 |
Sue Swanson | WGNHS Director & State Geologist | sue.swanson@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0068 |
Kris Tiles | Forestry and Wildlife Program Manager | kris.tiles@wisc.edu | (715) 261-1254 |
Amy Workman | Upham Woods Center Director | amy.workman@wisc.edu | (608) 264-3485 |
Aquatic Invasive Species Program
Name | Title | Phone | |
Jeanne Scherer | Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist | jeanne.scherer@wisc.edu | (608) 266-0061 |
Emily Heald | Rivers Outreach Specialist | emily.heald@wisc.edu | See email address |
Conservation Professional Training Program
Name | Title | Phone | |
Kevin Erb | Conservation Professional Training Program Manager | kevin.erb@wisc.edu | (920) 391-4652 |
Emerging Contaminants
Name | Title | Phone | |
Anya “AJ” Jeninga | Emerging Contaminants Outreach Specialist | jeninga@wisc.edu | (920) 391-4612 |
Lake Superior Collaborative
Name | Title | Phone | |
Catie Geib | Lake Superior Collaborative Program Coordinator | catie.geib@wisc.edu | (715) 577-1361 |
Lake Superior Estuarine Research Reserve
Name | Title | Phone | |
Deanna Erickson | Reserve Director | deanna.erickson@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4086 |
Melissa Burke | Climate Resilience Specialist | melissa.burke@wisc.edu | |
Ryan Feldbrugge | Education Specialist | feldbrugge@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4090 |
Jim Gharrity | Financial and Administrative Specialist | james.gharrity@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4082 |
Karina Heim | Coastal Training Program Coordinator | karina.heim@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4089 |
Addison “Addi” Knoll | Environmental Lab Tech | knoll4@wisc.edu | |
Hannah Nicklay | Monitoring Coordinator | hannah.nicklay@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4088 |
Luciana Ranelli | Education Coordinator | luciana.ranelli@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4085 |
Kaitlin Reinl, PhD | Research Coordinator | kreinl@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4086 |
Kirsten Rhude | Stewardship Coordinator | kirsten.rhude@wisc.edu | (715) 399-4091 |
Natural Resources Education Program (NRE Program)
Name | Title | Phone | |
Kris Tiles | Natural Resources Education Program Manager | kris.tiles@wisc.edu | (715) 261-1254 |
Sarah Brown | Natural Resources Educator (Washburn County Extension) | sarah.anne.brown@wisc.edu | (715) 635-4444 |
Johanna Desprez | Regional Natural Resources Educator | johanna.desprez@wisc.edu | See email address |
Scott Hershberger | Forestry Communications Specialist | scott.hershberger@wisc.edu | See email address |
Anna James | Natural Resources Educator (Wood County Extension) | anna.m.james@wisc.edu | (715) 421-8444 |
Tony Johnson | Working Lands Forestry Educator | anthony.johnson@wisc.edu | (608) 386-8900 |
Bill Klase | Regional Natural Resources Educator | william.klase@wisc.edu | (715) 401-4845 |
Olivia Kovacs | Regional Natural Resources Educator | okovacs@wisc.edu | See email address |
Jennifer McNelly | Natural Resources Educator (Wood County Extension) | jennifer.mcnelly@wisc.edu | (715) 214-8913 |
Maranda Miller | Regional Natural Resources Educator | maranda.miller@wisc.edu | (608) 590-5758 |
Wade Moder | Natural Resources Educator (Dane County Extension) | wade.moder@wisc.edu | (608) 224-3710 |
Keith Phelps | Working Lands Forestry Educator | keith.phelps@wisc.edu | (920) 840-7504 |
Whitney Prestby | Water & Ag Conservation Team Lead | whitney.prestby@wisc.edu | (920) 391-4663 |
Dan Zerr | Regional Natural Resources Educator | daniel.zerr@wisc.edu | (715) 836-5513 |
North Central Region Water Network
Name | Title | Phone | |
Currently Open | Outreach Program Manager | ||
Anne Nardi | Marketing Manager | anne.nardi@wisc.edu | (608) 262-1377 |
Jenny Seifert | Watershed Outreach Specialist | jenny.seifert@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4717 |
Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center
Visit the Upham Woods website for the current staff directory.
Water Action Volunteers (WAV)/Rivers Outreach
Name | Title | Phone | |
Katy Bradford | WAV Program Manager | katy.bradford@wisc.edu | (608) 331-0173 |
Emily Heald | Rivers Educator | emily.heald@wisc.edu | See email address |
Wisconsin Extension Maple Syrup Program
Name | Title | Phone | |
Currently Open | Maple Program Manager |
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Visit the WGNHS website for the current staff directory.
Wisconsin Master Naturalist Program
Name | Title | Phone | |
Becky Sapper | Master Naturalist Program Manager | becky.sapper@wisc.edu | (715) 685-2652 |
Greta Landis, PhD | Evaluation Specialist | greta.landis@wisc.edu | See email address |
Martha Martin | Outreach Support Specialist | martha.martin@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0020 |
Wisconsin State Climatologist
Name | Title | Phone | |
Steve Vavrus, PhD | Wisconsin State Climatologist | sjvavrus@wisc.edu | (608) 265-5279 |
Service Units and Support
Name | Title | Phone | |
Samuel Pratsch, PhD | Evaluation Unit Lead | samuel.pratsch@wisc.edu | (608) 265-3473 |
Feiran Chen | Evaluation Specialist | fchen84@wisc.edu | See email address |
Evelyn Hammond, PhD | Evaluation Specialist | evelyn.hammond@wisc.edu | See email address |
Greta Landis, PhD | Evaluation Specialist | greta.landis@wisc.edu | See email address |
Amber Saylor Mase, PhD | Evaluation Specialist | amber.mase@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0718 |
Ayse Okur | Evaluation Specialist | okur2@wisc.edu | See email address |
Alli Parrish | USDA Midwest Regional Climate Outreach Project Manager | awenman@wisc.edu | (608) 262-6332 |
Namah Taku-Forchu | Evaluation Specialist | takuepseforc@wisc.edu | (515) 735-0051 |
Instructional Design
Name | Title | Phone | |
Janice Kepka | Instructional Design Unit Lead | janice.kepka@wisc.edu | (608) 263-4695 |
Kristy Gruley | Project Manager | gruley@wisc.edu | See email address |
Claire Brittain | Instructional Designer | cbrittain@wisc.edu | See email address |
Margie Cook | Instructional Designer | margie.cook@wisc.edu | (608) 262-2643 |
Megan Fuhr | Instructional Designer | mfuhr@wisc.edu | See email address |
Casey Garhart | Instructional Designer | pmgarhart@wisc.edu | See email address |
Wendy Schweitzer | Instructional Designer | wendy.schweitzer@wisc.edu | (608) 798-0962 |
Marketing & Communications
Name | Title | Phone | |
Anne Nardi | Marketing & Communications Unit Lead | anne.nardi@wisc.edu | (608) 262-1377 |
Jamey Burns | Senior Web Developer | jamey.burns@wisc.edu | |
Shailah (Shay) Handy | Graphic and Web Designer | shailah.handy@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4004 |
Leah Kavallaris | Graphic and Web Designer | leah.kavallaris@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4004 |
Matt Waldren, PhD | Senior Editor | matt.waldren@wisc.edu | (608) 262-6420 |
Support Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Brian Kline | Natural Resources Institute Assistant Director of Administration | brian.kline@wisc.edu | (608) 262-1369 |
Krysta Koralesky | Natural Resources Institute Financial Specialist | krysta.koralesky@wisc.edu | (608) 262-2634 |
Martha Martin | Outreach Support Specialist | martha.martin@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0020 |
Travis Olson | Partnerships Manager | travis.olson@wisc.edu | (608) 262-1748 |
UW–Madison Affiliates
Name | Title | Campus | |
Scott Bowe | Professor/Extension Specialist, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology | sbowe@wisc.edu | UW-Madison |
David Drake | Professor/Extension Specialist, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology | ddrake2@wisc.edu | UW-Madison |
Ken Genskow, PhD | Professor and Extension Specialist, Dept. of Planning and Landscape Architecture (Former ERC Director) | kgenskow@wisc.edu | UW-Madison |
Jamie Nack | Outreach Specialist, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology | jlnack@wisc.edu | UW-Madison |
Bret Shaw, PhD | Professor and Extension Specialist, Dept. of Life Sciences Communication | brshaw@wisc.edu | UW-Madison |
UW–Stevens Point Affiliates
Name | Title | Campus | |
Somsubhra “Som” Chattopadhyay | Assistant Prof and Extension Specialist | schattop@uwsp.edu chattopadhy6@wisc.edu | UW-SP |
Austin Holland | Professor | austin.holland@uwsp.edu alholland2@wisc.edu | CLUE |
Abby Johnson | Data Science, Data Management and GIS Specialist | abby.johnson@uwsp.edu aejohnson36@wisc.edu | CWSE |
Kevin Masarik | Director Center for Watershed Science and Education | kmasarik@uwsp.edu kevin.masarik@wisc.edu | CWSE |
Eric Olson | Director of Extension Lakes | eric.olson@uwsp.edu eric.olson@wisc.edu | CWSE/Lakes |
Jason Riddle | Director of Wisconsin Center for Wildlife | jriddle@uwsp.edu | Wildlife |
Rebecca Roberts | Land Use Specialist | rebecca.roberts@uwsp.edu | CLUE |
Brian Sloss | Dean of College of Natural Resources | brian.sloss@uwsp.edu blsloss@wisc.edu | UW-SP |
Steve Hubbard | Director of Wisconsin Forestry Center | shubbard@uwsp.edu | WFC |
UW–Green Bay Affiliates
Name | Title | Campus | |
Amy Carrozzino-Lyon | Restoration Scientist, Natural & Applied Sciences | carrozza@uwgb.edu carrozzinoly@wisc.edu | UW-GB |
Emily Tyner | Freshwater Strategy Director, Cofrin School of Business | tynere@uwgb.edu ehtyner@wisc.edu | UW-GB |
Emeritus Affiliates
Name | Title | |
Elaine Andrews | Environmental Education Specialist (Former ERC Director) | eandrews@wisc.edu |
Bill Bland, PhD | Emeritus Professor, UW–Madison Department of Soil Science | wlbland@wisc.edu |
Jake Blasczyk | Senior Evaluation Specialist | jblasczy@wisc.edu |
Brian J. Holmes, PhD | Emeritus Professor, UW–Madison Biological Systems Engineering Department | bjholmes@wisc.edu |
Gary Jackson | Emeritus Professor, UW–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Soil Science | gwjackso@wisc.edu |
Peter Nowak | Emeritus Professor, UW–Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, | pnowak@wisc.edu |
Jim Peterson | Emeritus Professor, UW–Madison Biological Systems Engineering Department (Former ERC Director) | jopeters@wisc.edu |
Jeff Strobel | Emeritus Graphic Designer, Natural Resources Institute and Environmental Resources Center | jeffrey.strobel@wisc.edu |