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Extension Lakes Program
Preserving Wisconsin’s Lake Legacy
Based at University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, the Extension Lakes Program seeks to preserve Wisconsin’s legacy of lakes through education, communication and collaboration. The program works with over 800 local lake associations and lake districts in Wisconsin, assisting them through education and capacity building. Extension Lakes also partners with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to coordinate a number of programs and projects to assist those concerned with the future of our lakes, including the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network, the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program and the Lake Leaders Institute. The Lake Tides newsletter reaches thousands of readers throughout the region with timely content on lake management and protection.

Eric Olson
Director and Lake Specialist
Email: eric.olson@uwsp.edu
Phone: (715) 346 -2192
General Inquiries:
800 Reserve St.
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Related Website
UW-Stevens Point Extension Lakes